Member Moving between AMP Adviser Businesses

  1. In black taskbar at top of screen click on “Back Office” and then “Members/People”

  2. In one of the search boxes (e.g. Surname) type in the details for the person whose insurances need to change, then push Enter.

  3. When you locate the correct person, click on the link “View member’s profile”.

  4. This will take you to that person’s Profile homepage.

  5. From menu on left, click on “Your Organisations”.

  6. When next page comes up, click on “+Add Organisation”.

  7. User the 'Select one of the following options', Select the option of “Resign from” then click on Submit.

  8. On the following screen, do not check the following if they are moving between advisor businesses - only if they are resigning: 'Member resigned (Note: Only use this if a member is resigning, not if they are transferring.)'

  9. Select the new advisor business they are moving too from the dropdown and set their 'roles in organisation' as 'Adviser' with the correct date and the  'Type of Contact' where applicable.

  10. Click on “Save organisation” button at bottom left of screen.