Change Member’s Password

  1. In black taskbar at top of screen click on “Back Office” and then “Members/People”

  2. In one of the search boxes (e.g. Surname) type in the details for the person whose password needs changing, then push Enter.

  3. When you locate the correct person, click on the link “View member’s profile”.

  4. This will take you to that person’s Profile homepage.

  5. From the tabs above the words “Personal Details”, click on the “Edit” tab.

  6. In the next page, check you have their preferred email address as the username, if not – change it.

  7. In the box titled “Password” type in a new password  (I have been using password)

  8. Repeat this in the box titled “Confirm Password”.

  9. Click on “Save” button at bottom left of screen.

  10. Email person to let them know their new password and if necessary Username.