Certus Trust Donation - Organisation

  1. In black taskbar at top of screen click on “Back Office” and then “Levies”.

  2. Click on “Create new levy”.

  3. In Title box, type in ‘Certus Trust - [whatever relevant Adviser Business name is]’.

  4. Type in any notes you wish to add in the “Description” box

  5. Under “Levy Type” select “Organisation”.

  6. You can leave “Channel Category” as “All”, or you can choose the channel.

  7. In “Levy excl. GST” box type in the amount the Adviser Business wishes to pay per semi-month.

  8. Ensure “Active” box is ticked.

  9. Click on “Save levy” button at bottom left of screen.

  10. In black taskbar at top of screen click on “Back Office” and then “Organisations”.

  11. Next to relevant Adviser Business, click on “Edit”.

  12. From menu on left-hand side, click on “Organisation Levies”.

  13. Tick box next to relevant Levy.

  14. Click on “Save” button at bottom left of screen.