Attach Document for Member

  1. In black taskbar at top of screen click on “Back Office” and then “Members/People”

  2. In one of the search boxes (e.g. Surname) type in the details for the person whose insurances need to change, then push Enter.

  3. When you locate the correct person, click on the link “View member’s profile”.

  4. This will take you to that person’s Profile homepage.

  5. From menu on left, click on “Your files”.

  6. This will show any files that have been added.

  7. Click on “Add files” link.

  8. Type in Title of file to be added.

  9. Select “Member” button.

  10. Choose file type

  • Public will be viewable by Organisation contact specified.

  • Private will only be viewable by users with Back Office access.

  1. Click on “Choose File”, then select whichever file you wish to add and click on “open”

  • Please note: emails cannot be added directly, you need to save them as a word document and then attach them to the Database.

  1. Click on “Upload”.

  2. Type in any notes you wish to add in the “Description” box.

  3. Click on “Save” button at bottom left of screen.